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Reports & Other Resources

The University of Maryland has worked to integrate sustainability into operations, academics, and research since the early 2000s. These efforts are guided by strategic plans, the University Sustainability Council, division-specific Task Forces, Council-sanctioned Work Groups, and others. Current and historical progress is captured in the documents provided below. To get involved today, explore the SustainableUMD Network's programs and opportunities.

University Sustainability Council

Work Group Reports

OEA Staff collecting water sample

Sustainable Water Use and Watershed Report

Final March 2022 - This report offers eight recommendations to continue improving water conservation and effectively manage and mitigate stormwater on campus.

Shuttle bus

Carbon Neutral Fleet Work Group Report

Draft - October 2019 - This report offers seven recommendations/strategies to neutralize campus fleet emissions. This report led to the commitment of a 100% zero emissions vehicle fleet by 2035.

Hornbake Plaza

Carbon Offset Work Group Report

Draft - December 2015 - This detailed report outlines the eight recommendations from the Carbon Offset Work Group. This report led to the Carbon Neutral Air Travel initiative.

Paint Branch creek

Sustainable Water Use and Watershed Report

Draft - May 2014 - This report offers thirteen (13) recommendations to implement best practices in water use and stormwater management.

sustainable teaching fellow

Education for Sustainability Report

FinalFebruary 28, 2014 - A final report listing seven key recommendations for improving education for sustainability at UMD. Results from a sustainability literacy evaluation are also included.

New Iribe Building at Lit up Night

Buildings and Energy Work Group Report

Draft - April 3, 2013 - A final report recommending four key policies, evaluations, or processes for reducing the university carbon footprint. One recommendation included the Carbon Neutral New Development initiative.


Work Group Implementation Plans and Guidelines

Permanent Allocation for Offsetting Undergraduate Commuting

November 16, 2018 - In addition to the resolution, this document outlines an implementation plan for calculating and offsetting undergraduate commuting emissions.


Carbon Neutral Air Travel Implementation Plan Summary

Draft  Fall 2017 -  A presentation outlining the implementation plan for the Carbon Neutral Air Travel Initiative. UMD has offset all air travel related greenhouse gas emissions since 2017.


President's Energy Initiatives Implementation Memo

Draft - April 14, 2014 - This document outlines the implementation plans for the four energy initiatives implemented by President Loh in January 2014. 


Work Group Objectives and Membership

Carbon Neutral Commuting and Fleet Work Group Formation

December 4, 2018 - This work group was created to develop recommendations for meeting nine objectives around commuting and fleet climate action strategies.


Carbon Offsets Work Group Objectives & Scope

March 3, 2015 - This work group aimed to investigate the potential use of carbon offsets as part of the university's carbon reduction strategy and Climate Action Plan.


Education for Sustainability Work Group Objectives & Membership

January 4, 2013 - This work group was established to develop and recommend actions that will move the university closer to achieving a goal of educating all students in fundamental sustainability challenges affecting the region and the world.


Water Filling Station Work Group Objectives

August 3, 2012 - This work group developed the Terps Heart the Tap program, adding over 100 water bottle refill stations around campus. The initiative was funded in part by the Sustainability Fund.


Water Use and Watershed Work Group Membership

April 14, 2012 - One of the longest-serving work groups created by the Sustainability Council, the Water Use and Watershed Work Group was created in response to regulatory and voluntary university commitments.


Strategic and Master Plans

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