The Green Maryland Gift Fund encourages and supports environmental stewardship and sustainability programs at the University of Maryland. The university strives to become a national model for a Green University and a living laboratory for sustainability. Students, faculty, and staff are currently involved in projects that reduce energy use, expand green spaces, construct buildings to strict environmental standards, and integrate sustainability into curricula and research. Your donation helps us go even further by creating new opportunities for more people to get involved with this important work.
Your gift to the Green Fund supports:
- Sustainability Associate program : This program places recent graduates in a one-year professional development position, giving them the opportunity to gain work experience and learn more about the sustainability field. Associates work directly with the Office of Sustainability to implement develop and initiatives and support campus-wide education programs.
- Student internships : The growing sustainability culture at UMD means a greater need for student internships, and in many cases the need to provide stipends for internship programs. Interns in the Office of Sustainability gain experience in communications, sustainability metrics, measurement and reporting, graphic design, education and outreach, and public speaking.
- Matching funds for sustainability projects on and off campus: Increasingly, students, faculty, and staff are developing on and off-campus sustainability projects that provide valuable hands-on experience, opportunities for community engagement, and improved campus sustainability infrastructure. Past projects include student-run community gardens, stormwater retention infrastructure designed and constructed by engineering students, and a campus apiary.
- Sustainability education and outreach events : Outreach events, tabling on campus, and presenting information about sustainability to freshman classes further campus sustainability efforts. The student-led LEAF Outreach Team educates students, staff and faculty about adopting sustainable behaviors and recognizes their efforts. Education and outreach events allow students to develop skills such as public speaking and written communication and participate in team building and leadership development.
- Faculty training and materials to incorporate sustainability into curricula : Creating more hands-on opportunities for faculty in all disciplines to include sustainability in their courses will expose more students to sustainability education. The Sustainability Teaching Fellows workshop has trained over 130 faculty members to incorporate sustainability into nearly 150 courses.