2016 Year in Review
Five major sustainability highlights from University of Maryland in 2016.
1) The university officially achieves its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent.
2) Linda Clement is recognized with the first ever SustainableUMD Outstanding Achievement Award.
3) University of Maryland hosts the Climate Action 2016 Forum on campus.
4) The Student Sustainability Committee makes a major impact by advocating for the University System of Maryland to divest from fossil fuels.
5) The Office of Sustainability publishes the third edition of the SustainableUMD Magazine featuring a retrospective timeline of sustainability at University of Maryland.
2017 Year in Preview
Five things to be on the look out for in 2017 at University of Maryland.
1) University of Maryland is now a Do Good Campus. Look for ways throughout the year that you can Do Good at UMD and beyond.
2) The 12th annual Smart and Sustainable Campuses Conference will be held March 26-28 at the College Park Marriott & Conference Center.
3) The Green Terp program, a partnership between the Office of Sustainability and the Department of Resident Life will kick-off this spring.
4) Earth Month at Maryland will celebrate our planet with events throughout the month of April including Bike Week, GreenFest, the annual Earth Day Festival, and much more.
5) The Office of Sustainability is officially celebrating its 10th year. Stay tuned for info about upcoming celebration events.