This lecture series is offered during Spring 2021 as part of Professor Ralph Bennett’s ARCH 289i course called Sustainability at the University of Maryland, College Park and is co-sponsored by UMD's Office of Sustainability.
Weekly on Tuesdays at 5pm until May 11, 2021
Join the lectures on Zoom: https://umd.zoom.us/j/93764476016?pwd=VnB3WnorSER1V1dDNEZHVlFnWk9Zdz09
- Meeting ID: 937 6447 6016
- Passcode: 921638
- Call in: +19294362866, ,93764476016# US (New York)
Date | Lecture Title | Presenter, Department |
February 4 | Sustainability and the College Park Campus | Carlo Colella, UM Vice President for Administration & Finance, Scott Lupin, Director, Sustainability Office |
February 9 | Global Warming and Climate Change Explained | Dr. Ross Salawitch, Prof., Department of Chemistry |
February 16 | Food and Sustainability at College Park | Colleen Wright-Riva, Director, Allison Lilly Tjaden, Assistant Director, Department of Dining Services |
February 23 | Smart Growth: Making Sustainable Places, Settlements and Cities | Ralph Bennett, Prof. Em., FAIA, LEED AP, School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation |
March 2 | Buying Energy for a (Really) Big User | Susan Corry Department of Facilities Management |
March 9 | Getting Here is All the Fun | Department of Transportation Services (invited) |
March 23 | Environmental Law; Study Opportunities in Sustainability at College Park: the Sustainability Minor | Joanna Goger, J.D., Environmental Science and Policy |
March 30 | Student Opportunities in Sustainability at College Park | Mark Stewart, Office of Sustainability, SGA Sustainability Chair, other student leaders |
April 6 | Sea Level Rise and the Chesapeake Bay | Kate McClure, Maryland Sea Grant, UMCP |
April 13 | Making Maryland Buildings Sustainable | Martha Shrader, Sustainability Manager, Department of Facilities Management; Sally DeLeon, Office of Sustainability |
April 20 | Sustainable, Safe and Clean Nuclear Energy | Dr. Mohammad Modarres, Prof., Director, Nuclear Engineering Program; Director, Center for Risk and Reliability |
April 27 | Maintaining the Campus (Stormwater) | Michael Carmichael, Stormwater Management, Maintenance Insp., Facilities Management |
May 4 | The Campus Master Plan | William Mallari, Ass’t Director, Campus Development, Dep’t of Facilities Planning |