Other Funding Sources
Internal Programs at UMD

The Do Good Campus Fund supports the substantial efforts happening across UMD, aimed at reimagining learning and serving humanity inside and outside the classroom. Projects centered on social, economic, or environmental sustainability are encouraged to apply. The Do Good Institute offers funding opportunities through Impact Interns, Mini-Grants, Accelerator Fellows, and the Do Good Challenge.

The Student Facilities Fund provides funding for student supported facilities projects and improvements that will positively impact and enhance the student experience at UMD.

Funded through the Student Activities Fee, SGA Funding is available for recognized and registered student groups that attend a Budget training Workshop and submit a funding application to the Finance Committee.

Student Entertainment Events (SEE)
The SEE Funding Board meets weekly to approve requests for funding for on-campus events hosted by SGA recognized student groups. Applications for the Fall 2024 are now open.

The Cross Cultural Program Fund is a resource for students interested in planning and/or participating in cross-cultural learning experiences to foster a creative and collaborative spirit among students and student groups. MICA staff members are willing to work with those requesting funds to develop ideas and assist in forming partnerships with other students or student groups.

Research Funding Opportunities
The Division of Research has compiled a list of University of Maryland funding opportunities, early career funding information, federal funding alerts, and foundation funding alerts.

As a part of UMD's commitment to continuously improve teaching and learning, Teaching Innovation Grants are available for faculty and instructional staff to carry out projects that either expand upon established teaching approaches through the use of advanced technology or the design of exploratory pilot courses/programs.

xFoundry@UMD helps students tackle grand challenges through the power of entrepreneurship and multidisciplinary collaboration. Through the Xperience Competition track, student teams have the opportunity to develop an innovate solutions that can land them a funded venture.

Each fall and spring semester, Pepsi contributes $50,000 to enhance events and programs that benefit the campus community. These funds help underwrite the cost of programs that broadly affect the campus population.
External Regional Grants related to Sustainability

The Chesapeake Bay Trust’s grant-making strategies are shaped by the goals of environmental education, demonstration-based restoration, and community engagement. Prince George's Country pprograms include a community gardens min grant, rain check rebate, and stormwater stewardship grant.

Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants
The Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants Program awards grants of $20,000 to $200,000 to organizations and local governments that work on community-based projects to improve the condition of their local watershed while building stewardship among residents. Small Watershed Grants support local restoration and protection actions that help restore healthy waters, habitats and wildlife in the Chesapeake Bay region.

NOAA Chesapeake Bay-Watershed Education and Training Program
Chesapeake B-WET is a competitive grant program that supports existing, high-quality environmental education programs and fosters the growth of new, innovative programs. It encourages capacity building and partnership development for environmental education programs throughout the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grant
The Chesapeake Bay Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grant Program awards grants of $200,000 to $1 million to support innovative, sustainable and cost-effective approaches that dramatically reduce nutrient and sediment pollution to the Chesapeake Bay and its local waterways.